Scrap Your Day- May & June

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I have been participating in Scrap Your Day since April where on the 25th of the month you take pictures of your day and create a mini album. This is a fabulous project that documents MY life. I find a lot in my scrapbooking I document my friends or family and not myself, and this book is mostly about me and what I do everyday. It is really a lot of fun to see how you just spend an ordinary or special day.

Here are my pages from May, June and July.

May 25th Highlights

Sunday morning breakfast of bacon and eggs!! :)

Filling up the truck with gas, buying new furniture, shopping at home depot, Michael's and Sobeys.

An afternoon of watching Degrassi, painting, Tile Rummy and Writing.

June 25th Highlights

A cereal day for breakfast, with a look at my feet and a quote on the wall.

At work all day driving cars.

I got a new lap top and the house beside us went up for sale.

The rainbow above the trees after the rain and a late night to bed.

I'll hopefully get July's page done today. I have the house all to myself to crank the music and make a mess with paper, stickers and paint!