Recipe Poem
9:29 AM Posted In finals , one week poetry challenge , school Edit This 0 Comments »Two writing teachers have started another challenge. A poetry challenge. I love poetry and I try to write poems in my journal but I often don't like them. I was not going to participate in this challenge because I really should be focusing on school and studying, but I couldn't pass it up. I'm a few days behind so I'm going to try and catch up today. Here is my first poem
How to procrastinate studying for finals
1 turned off alarm
4 favorite DVDs
1 pail of ice cream
3 trips to the mall
Turn off your alarm and sleep in till noon, wasting half of your studying day.
Stay in your pj's and pop in DVD number 1.
Start consuming the pail of ice cream (add any topping you desire- Carmel sauce is my favorite)
When DVD 1 ends go to the mall to try try on as many shoes as possible, then return to the couch for DVD # 2.
Repeat this process, until you are shopped out and your eyes are burning from the T.V.
After 1 day you will have 0$ in your bank account, sore tummy, and red eyes and finals still did not disappear.
***Repeat recipe every day for a month or just crack those books- It will be over soon and Summer will be here!
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