Slice of life writing challenge - Day 28

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A little late I know...last night I was not moving towards a computer after sitting in front of one all day. After supper last night I became glued to the couch with a headache and went to bed early.
Yesterday I rewrote my entire case analysis paper. It really needed a complete rewrite. I need a conclusion still but I feel much better about it now. Seriously if I wanted to write about law I would have been a lawyer.
My friend Steph came over and brought me Timmy Ho's! No donuts because their oven was broken....did you know they make all the donut in Ontario freeze them and ship them all over the country- How sad I thought I was getting a fresh donut haha. Neither of us won on the Roll up the Rim to win either---I'm starting to think Tims just uses this to get more people to drink their addictive coffee!
I read some Harry Potter, I skimmed Nanice Atwell "In the Middle", and did some knitting.
I also burnt some Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins- Justin thinks they are still good but I am dissapointed...
That was my day!


GirlGriot said...

I like the way our slices run such a range from oh-here-is-this-neat-little-beginning-middle-end story kind of slice to here's-all-the-stuff-that-fills-my-day kind of slice. Both are so great to read, I feel I've really gotten to 'see' all of the Slice folks through these different windows!