Slice of life writing challenge - Day 25
6:07 PM Posted In Slice of life story challenge , university Edit This 1 Comment »
I am 2 assignments, 5 finals, and 7 days of class away from being done my University career. While I won't officially recieve my diplomia till the end of May my days spent on campus are coming to an end and as much as I am ready to go out into "The REAL WORLD" I would go back and live these four year all over again.
I spent the summer before going to University crying and not wanting to go, scared that it would be too hard, and I would not do good and that I would not make any friends. Looking back I was so wrong. University was not easy, it was challenging and I learned so much about the history of my country, how to cram, how to procrastinate (like right now!), art history and painting, how to play beer pong. I did pretty good in all my classes, good enough to get me into the college of Education---my biggest accomplishment, my dream come true. Most importantly I made some amazing friends, people who have inspired me and helped me through the best and worst four years. Thank you everyone.
I know over the next month or so I will be doing more and more reflecting as my time here at school comes to an end in the meantime I leave with with a quote about "the end" of things.
This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”- Winston Churchill
I spent the summer before going to University crying and not wanting to go, scared that it would be too hard, and I would not do good and that I would not make any friends. Looking back I was so wrong. University was not easy, it was challenging and I learned so much about the history of my country, how to cram, how to procrastinate (like right now!), art history and painting, how to play beer pong. I did pretty good in all my classes, good enough to get me into the college of Education---my biggest accomplishment, my dream come true. Most importantly I made some amazing friends, people who have inspired me and helped me through the best and worst four years. Thank you everyone.
I know over the next month or so I will be doing more and more reflecting as my time here at school comes to an end in the meantime I leave with with a quote about "the end" of things.
This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”- Winston Churchill
Congratulations, Ashley. On all of it. (How did I miss learning to play beer pong?)
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