Slice of life writing challenge- Day 20

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Why does every holiday celebrate with chocolate?
Valentines Day---Chocolate
and now Easter----More Chocolate!

Now I'm not complaining I LOVE chocolate. I have a sweet tooth for it but my skin does not like chocolate. I tend to break out after a chocolate session and my body just collects the chocolate in my tummy and makes it grow. My problem with the chocolate is that I'm still not done my Christmas chocolate, the valentines chocolate is sitting beside my bed and now I am eating a chocolate Easter egg with my name on it! I have devoured half of it already and I know I need to stop or I'm not going to eat my supper. I know not to look at the "Nutritional Facts" on the back or I might have to go on my elliptical for the next hour. haha I know the Easter chocolate has not ended because I bought some myself for a special Easter Bunny Surprise. Maybe I'll throw those out and hide some carrots or something haha Somehow it's just not as appealing as mini chocolate eggs covered in colored foil.
Happy Chocolate Eating Weekend everyone!


Anonymous said...

I don't even celebrate Easter, but somehow I eat the chocolate. How does that one work????!!!?!


Jane said...

My very first slice of life is about chocolate and my ending sentence is,
"Everything goes better with chocolate!"
~jane S

GirlGriot said...

Everything definitely goes better with chocolate! I wouldn't bother with the 'nutrition facts' on the label ... is that panel going to tell you the truth about chocolate (that it's the food of the gods)? I don't think so! My two current favorite chocolates are Green and Blacks (for dark) and Chocolove (for milk) ... and when I want to splurge, I go over to Jacques Torres' shop and ...